Accounting Society Update from the PASA Board

//Accounting Society Update from the PASA Board

Accounting Society Update from the PASA Board

Greetings PASA Members, Collegiate members, and visitors!

I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all of you for joining PASA. Your support has meant a lot. We have been growing in leaps and bounds. Now it is time to start serving our members. Here is some of what we have on the horizon:

We have received many surveys and we are close to meeting our quotas.

One article that we are really excited about is related to the CPA exam. We had an hour long interview with Gregory Johnson, the Director of CPA Exam Strategy for the AICPA, and we got a great behind the scenes look at the CPA exam.

Soon, we will begin our “Accountant of the Week Award.” All of you are eligible. Keep an eye out for more information

Right now, we are leaning toward events in Los Angeles, Atlanta, and the Washington D.C. area.

As many of you may know, PASA is run entirely by volunteers. We are the only accounting society of its kind that does not collect membership dues. Our hope is that the members will give back to the accounting society in other ways. We really need your help if this accounting society is going to be a success. Here are some ways you can help:

Write as little or as much as you want. Anything will do. We need more surveys before we can begin posting the ones we already have.

We especially want to reach out to new hires that will begin joining our firms this summer/fall.

We need to know your opinions so we can improve.

There is a lot of opportunity for leadership positions on committees and in the new regional chapters we are setting up.

Thank you all again for your support! If there is ever anything we can do for you, please let us know.


The Executive Board of The Professional Accounting Society of America (PASA)

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